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Air handling grilles

Концевые элементы вытяжки  | Air handling grilles

Air handling grilles

Adequate air exchange - the basis of a comfortable working environment. Properly tuned ventilation, in addition to providing breathing, solves other problems. Therefore, extractor hood and air flow must be calculated based on the conditions of the premises for which it is planned.

Air handling grille of WestMedGroup designed to extract air from the clean room. They are the end members drawing from direct connection to the exhaust pipe for Air systems and exhaust channels. They can be installed in the metal panels (including the double-sided version), gypsum board partitions, lockers with hatch doors, etc.

Air handling grille could be exterior, wall, inertia, single row, horizontal, outdoor, roller. Plastic air handling grille do not corrode, have more options in color and size of execution, have less weight. Steel and aluminum air handling grille - more durable, durable and aesthetic.

The main tasks of the air-handling grilles - supply of sufficient oxygen, carbon dioxide removal and maintenance of climatic parameters (temperature and humidity, removal of odors). In areas with special requirements – operating rooms - air handling grilles are involved in the formation of air currents that bring micro-organisms outside the sterile zone. The medical air handling filters for particles and biological agents can be incorporated.

In addition to the air-handling grilles WestMedGroup offer other HVAC equipment and sound insulation. Embedded and attachments saves space and facilitates cleaning of cleanrooms.

Constant volumetric flow rate is a prerequisite for the reliable formation of the protected area. In medical environments with a one-way flow from the diffusers are used for this purpose.

A particularly important task is to select the duct material. If you plan the installation of industrial ventilation systems and fire hazardous areas, then apply air-handling grilles of incombustible materials. The same decision is taken and everything for rooms with high ambient temperature (between 80 ° C and above). The standard solution for the vast majority of production facilities is galvanized steel. In the complex configuration sections are applied flexible corrugated pipes.