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Body freezing. Cold cryogenic gasifiers

Криозаморозка. Холодные криогенные газификаторы.

Body freezing. Cold cryogenic gasifiers

In 1967, the United States held the first long-term human freezing in Dewar.

Cryofreezing - storage in liquid nitrogen bodies of dead people, which used cold cryogenic gasifiers. Most often, such a request came by cancer patients hoping for new treatment methods in the future. Idea of cryofreezing arose in the US in 1960 after the publication of The Prospect of Immortality by Robert Ettinger, and in 1967 the cold cryogenic gasifier "freeze" the first patient. The first company faced financial difficulties and the lack of legal base, but the trend continued to grow, celebrities and wealthy people to set aside a place in cryostorages. The main problem - the lack of empirical evidence on the resuscitation of such people, perhaps, the first resuscitation will happen in 2050.

Freezing procedure starts immediately after the diagnosis of biological death - the patient cooled to -1960C for several days. Blood is completely replaced with cryoprotectants solutions, preventing ice formation in the cells, followed by vacuum sterilization procedure.

The body is stored in a cryostat. US studies have shown that over five years at -800C can be  seen some changes in the frozen body, but at -960C molecules do not enter into any reaction. Science believes is sufficient to retain only the brain, because it facilitates the storage and reduces the cost of the procedure (preservation of the brain is 12 thousand dollars, the body and head - 36 thousand dollars, saving the animal - 12-15 thousand dollars), but it turned out that many people want to save the whole body. From the perspective of recovery in the future, it is meaningless, because now grow human organs. In Italy, for example, a technique is developed brain transfer from one body to another.

Dewar vessels are also produced for the chemical industry: They contain liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen. The cryogenic gasifier GCC (Cold cryogenic gasifiers) for transportation, storage and gasification of liquefied oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and issuing them to the consumer in a gaseous state. Cold cryogenic gasifier is used instead of high-pressure tanks, as it is much more convenient and cost-effective device.

Cryogenic cold gasifier GCC applied in industry, in the construction of the welding and cutting of metals, medicine and others. The use of cryogenic gasifiers eliminates the labor consuming and expensive transportation of industrial gases in cylinders.

The company "WestMedGroup" supplies to the Russian market cold cryogenic gasifiers by HVM. We will be happy to pick up the necessary equipment for you.