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OMNIVAC aspirator

Vacuum-operated suction equipment to remove pathological contents from the oropharynx with the help of highly reliable electric pumps.

Ambulance doctors usually begin intensive therapy with the sanitation of the upper and lower respiratory tract when the patient's breathing becomes difficult. It is possible to switch to mechanical ventilation. Aspirator OMNIVAC can be connected to all Weinmann ventilation devices.

Injection pumps OMNIVAC use the energy of compressed oxygen or air. Secrets such as mucus, blood, and also liquid, viscous and hard materials from the oral cavity, the nasopharyngeal cavity, the bronchial system can be removed, thus preventing aspiration.

The OMNIVAC device can be connected to various vacuum sources and also can be operated in a portable or stationary mode.

With OMNIVAC you have a gas-operated alternative for rescue vehicles or medical cases that provides vacuum-operated suction of the oropharynx.


  • Coarse particles can be removed from airways with the two-level suction hose.
  • Operation without electrical power
  • Fits in ULM CASE
  • No maintenance (no additional costs)
  • Removable collection canister in three sizes
  • Can be combined with MEDUMAT ventilators Suitable for LIFE-BASE portable systems

WestMedGroup offers mechanical and transport ventilationimmobilizationfirst aid and other medical equipment to equip emergency rescue services.