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Splints of new generation

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Splints of new generation

A splint is a device used for support or immobilization of a limb or the spine. It can be used in multiple situations, including temporary immobilization of potentially broken bones or damaged joints and support for joints during activity.

Commonly used after surgery to provide support to an incised area and decrease pain on coughing.

Splintsaremostcommonlyused to immobilizebrokenbones or dislocatedjoints.When a brokenbonehasbeenproperlyset, a splintpermitscompleterest at thesite of thefractureandthusallowsnaturalhealing to takeplacewiththebone in theproperposition. Splintsarealsonecessary to immobilizeunsetfractureswhen a patient is movedafter an accident;theypreventmotion of thefracturedbone ,whichmightcausegreaterdamage.

Immobilizers - technical means used to commit correction, activation functions in the cases of pathological conditions of the limbs and trunk. The term includes such things as: brace, splint, orthopedic apparatus.

Modern technological advances in the development of new polymeric materials and improvement of manufacturing techniques of orthopedic devices has led to the fact that began to produce universal clamps, ready for use in patients with fractures and false joints of bones of limbs.

Special medical device, which is used to provide assistance to the joints, called the brace. Most often, these devices are used for arthritis and arthrosis, but there are other situations where it is impossible to avoid such procedures as orthotics.

Splints - corsets and bandages, and special shoes and even orthotics.

A group of students from Rice University (USA) adapted foot brace for energy prodiction when walking. Their press release available on the website of the university.

The scope of the immobilizer can be recharge various portable medical devices, including pacemakers and, in the long term, the artificial heart.

Traditional methods of collecting energy from the walking man, such as piezocrystals or oscillatory systems, embedded in shoes, generate a very moderate amount of energy. Previously established in the same university system of this kind gave out no more than 0.4 watts, while the new development on the basis of a foot orthosis, with an electric generator located near the knee, produces while walking up to 4 watts.

Regular knee flexion-extension allows you to use the generator on the basis of a conventional motor with the rotation of the working part. Motor immobilizer not only simplifies and reduces the cost of such a system, but also significantly increases its efficiency compared to alternative approaches. The circuit uses a capacitor resistant to peak loads. It accumulates the fixed charges from the generator and transmits to the electric battery in small portions.

Westmedgroup delivers vacuum splints for all parts of the body. Special granulation technology allows them to take any form.