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Effect of external air on fetus and newborn development

Влияние внешнего воздуха на развитие плода и новорожденного | Effect of external air on fetus and newborn development

Effect of external air on fetus and newborn development

Many pregnant women attend a school of mothers before giving birth, where they are helped to prepare for childbirth and parenthood, get rid of fears and learn everything that a young mother needs to know and be able to do. Teachers explain to parents psychoemotional features of the prenatal state, physiological processes, teach for effective behavior in childbirth, and, of course, for care for the newborn. They teach gymnastics and proper breathing during childbirth. And it is important not only how we breathe, but what we breathe.

The fetus is affected by the contaminated air inhaled by the mother at the third trimester, which is manifested in an increased risk of child hypertension. This is due to the connection between the blood circulation systems of the mother and the fetus via the umbilical artery.

Studies of the Johns Hopkins Medical School have proven the connection between air pollution by dust particles of less than 2.5 microns and products of combustion and the risk of hypertension developing. Scientists examined 1293 mothers and children of 3-9 years. It turned out that children, those in the last trimester was exposed to the maximum exposure to polluted air, had an increased pressure of 61% more often than those whose mothers breathed clean air. In parallel, the effect of dirty air at the end of pregnancy correlated with the smaller weight of the newborn.

If a woman before pregnancy lived in conditions of poor ecology, but for the time of pregnancy moved to a favorable terrain, the risk of hypertension for her fetus remained within normal limits.

Also, the inhalation of dusty air leads to premature aging on the cellular level of both the mother and her unborn child. The toxins circulating in the blood damage the cells of the body and shorten the newborn's telomeres, which is already proven at Columbia University, and the length of telomeres in the first years of life affects the likelihood of future illnesses. The study was based on the analysis of umbilical cord’s blood of 250 newborns in an industrial Chinese city. The air there was contaminated with a large amount of aromatic hydrocarbons and other carcinogens that occur when coal was burned, and air filtration systems were absent for a number of reasons.

Telomeres are the end sections of chromosomes that protect DNA from damage. After each mitosis-meiosis they became shorter and, when their lengths are insufficient for a new division, the cell dies. Telomeres can be damaged during life from various causes - diseases, extreme conditions of life, stress, depression. These states increase the amount of oxidants and other aggressive molecules in cells.

The study described that telomeres of infants born before the closure of the local coal-fired power plant and its air filtration systems in 2004 were several dozen nucleotides shorter than those of the other children.

The study period is still small, it is started recently. Children were re-examined at the second year of life and there were no deviations in development and backwardness from their peers. Telomeres remained shortened still. But this did not affect the mental and motor development at an early age. And, interestingly, children with short telomeres were less likely to suffer from health problems and their brains produced more of the hormone BDNF, which stimulates the development of the nervous system.

Only the mother can monitor her environment at early stages of pregnancy and no one will bear responsibility for the consequences, but before childbirth in a medical institution a woman should be placed in a clean, sterile room equipped with air filtration systems.

When vacuum / oxygen / anesthesia and other stations are operated, hazardous bacteria and viruses may be contained in the outlet air in medical institutions. Bacterial filtration systems are used to purify the exhaust air from the vacuum station, which must be periodically tested, repaired and replaced.

WestMedGroup supplies and services a wide range of vacuum pumps, oxygen concentrators and compressors, each of which is equipped with filtration systems for the removal of moisture, dust and infectious agents: MIL'S HOSPIVAC bacterial filters, sealed vacuum suction filters, silencer filters with cartridges for any event: carbon, paper, polyurethane and polyester.