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Main causes of neonatal encephalopathy

Исследование причин развития энцефалопатии новорожденных | Main causes of neonatal encephalopathy

Main causes of neonatal encephalopathy

The vast majority of babies born with severe encephalopathy suffered not because of the incorrect generic benefits, according to University of Illinois researchers.

Research is based on the stories of the birth of 32 full-term infants who were diagnosed with cerebral palsy and mental retardation. Records show that the brain damage happened after the children were born, despite appropriate resuscitation measures.

This study pays close attention to the first two hours after birth to identify possible causes of unavoidable neurological outcomes in infants.

For every 1,000 full-term newborns there are 1-3 baby with encephalopathy. Studies have shown that only 8 - 14.5% of these cases developed due to insufficient blood supply to the brain during childbirth, which remains the leading cause of Obstetricians charges of negligence.
The study included 18 infants with chorioamnionitis and 14 - with severe anemia requiring continuous long-term presence of infant incubators. Both diseases are difficult to detect before birth.
Medical records, considered in the study, showed that the gas range in the umbilical cord blood of newborns were normal and subcortex was intact. These and other indicators strongly suggest that children have not suffered brain damage before birth.

Immediately after the birth children are unable to cope on their own with the devastating effects of infection or anemia. They develop sepsis, which suppresses the immune response to infection and lead to tissue damage and multiple organs failure. Severe cases of chorioamnionitis and anemia can inhibit the delivery of oxygen to the brain and other vital organs. In such cases, even the best efforts at resuscitation failed to prevent encephalopathy.

Careful monitoring and control of the physical factors that affect the immature child alleviated by placing it in the infant incubator, providing a favorable controlled environment. Infant incubator provide constant monitoring of the newborn vital signs, blood gases and electrolytes, biochemical parameters.

Prediction of diseases more effectively at birth than in the neonatal period. Prevention of violations of adaptation facilitates delivery in specialized hospitals, where there are trained medical staff and appropriate equipment, including infant incubator, which creating an optimal temperature, ensuring adequate oxygenation and humidity.

Children's intensive care departments require high-precision equipment. WestMedGroup equip clean rooms with installation of medical gas distribution, functional furniture, neonatal incubators and monitoring systems.