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Reliability of filter vacuum systems in a smoke-source pollution. Our recommendation.

Надежность фильтров вакуумных установок в условиях задымления-загрязнения источника | Reliability of filter vacuum systems in a smoke-source pollution. Our recommendation.

Reliability of filter vacuum systems in a smoke-source pollution. Our recommendation.

For many years we use filters in the systems of medical gases to capture the particles of dirt, oxide from the walls and vapor. Depending on the design medical valve systems can retain microorganisms, particulate matter and vapor of the liquid. American studies (Health Devices 19 (1), January 1990) raise the question of the correctness of using a medical valve systems for evacuation of smoke and fumes in the vacuum pump.

Filters are unreliable protection, if the source of the smoke-contamination is not eliminated - they can easily become clogged, they need to be regularly inspected and repaired. At untimely maintenance clogged medical valve systems exacerbate the contamination of medical gas. Water, if it enters the medical gas distribution devices, is breeding ground for microorganisms, and the longer it is delayed repair, the more polluted the system will rise and more maintenance.

Filters are sometimes installed on a vacuum suction to enhance antibacterial effect, but they reduce the speed and volume flow. Typically, vacuum systems do not require input filters, pollution filters are utilized in the suction tank, which redirected foreign substances. The particles are mainly deposited on the upstream and the initial part of the pipeline vacuum systems, and more so the filter inlet is unreasonable waste.


  • Regularly inspect and carry out maintenance of medical gas and vacuum systems, create a schedule of inspection and replacement parts
  • Use output filters in the medical valve system as a temporary measure to protect against bacteria, fumes and particulates
  • Use special smoke detectors
  • Vacuum units should only operate with collecting capacitances

The company "WestMedGroup" designs, installs and maintains medical valve systems, vacuum pumps and other distribution systems, is engage in complex equipment operating units and intensive care units. We will be happy to help you solve all the issues associated with these systems.