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A new Russian elaboration for domestic hospitals: a CADUCEUS oxygen humidifier with a heating control unit was created and put into production in the Moscow region

Medical oxygen humidifier with heating unit

Effective intensive care and successful nursing of patients are among the most priority medical tasks that can be solved with the help of adequate drug provision, high qualifications of medical and paramedical personnel, the availability of a high-quality resuscitation care systems that meets modern standards.

The oxygen therapy procedure is performed for patients suffering from respiratory failure due to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular system, oncological diseases.

The respiratory mixture supplied to the patient must be sufficiently humidified and be in a comfortable temperature range for inhalation, so as not to lead to overdrying of the lungs, bronchospasm, or the development of infection. Russian engineers of the WestMedGroup company near Moscow, a resident of the Dubna SEZ, have developed and put into production unique equipment that can provide all these conditions - the CADUCEUS medical oxygen humidifier with a heating control unit.

Medical oxygen humidifier with a heating control unit
Medical oxygen humidifier with a heating control unit

The humidifier is equipped with an individual nebulizer, in which sterile demineralized water is heated close to body temperature. The flow meter in the device allows you to set the exact dosage of the oxygen-air mixture supplied to the patient. Due to its own isolated power supply, safe contact of the heater with water is ensured. The presence of a convenient contrast panel allows you to monitor the temperature of water heating, change current indicators and control the operation of the humidifier.

These devices can be equipped not only with equipment for medical gas supply systems in intensive care and resuscitation wards - wall-mounted medical consoles, CADUCEUS oxygen humidifiers with a heating control unit can also be equipped with anesthesia machines, ventilators, inhalers and incubators.

WestMedGroup LLC has completely localized production in Russia, using advanced design methods, modern high-precision  equipment, eco-friendly materials and components of exclusively Russian origin, which allows us not to depend on external conditions and quickly work on expanding the range of domestic medical equipment that meets international quality standards.